1) стереть с лица земли; уничтожить (противника и т. п.); истребить
2) _ам. _спорт. падать во время серфинга
wipe: 1) вытирание Ex: to give smth. a wipe вытереть что-л.2) _уст. _простореч. носовой платок, утирка3) _диал. _уст. удар с размаху Ex: to fetch smb. a wipe, to take a wipe at smb. ударить кого-л. с разм
out: 1) (the outs) _pl. _парл. _разг. оппозиция: Ex: the ins and the outs правительственная партия и оппозиция; Ex: the outs hope to get into office at the next elections потерпевшие поражения на последн
wipe out the effect of something; "The new tax effectively cancels out my raise"; "The `A'' will cancel out the `C'' on your record" Синонимы: cancel out,
mark for deletion, rub off, or erase; "kill these lines in the President''s speech" Синонимы: kill, obliterate,
remove from memory or existence; "The Turks erased the Armenians in 1915" Синонимы: erase,
use up (resources or materials); "this car consumes a lot of gas"; "We exhausted our savings"; "They run through 20 bottles of wine a week" Синонимы: consume, eat up, use up, eat, deplete, exhaust, run through,
eliminate completely and without a trace; "The old values have been wiped out" Синонимы: sweep away,